
Who Should Pursue the 司法学硕士.A.?

M.A. 司法研究是为有兴趣获得高级学位的学生设计的,以支持他们在司法和社会服务领域的就业, 包括:

  • social and human services agencies
  • 执法
  • nonprofit organizations and
  • nongovernmental agencies focused on justice issues

as well as to prepare for further advanced study in:

  • 犯罪学
  • 社会学


This degree will give you a strong foundation in the writing, 研究和分析技能需要这样的职业,并将为您提供机会,在您的重点领域发展先进的专业知识.


作为课程的一部分,您将完成一篇基于研究的论文或应用研究或评估项目. Most courses will be hybrid, 包括课堂教学和在线教学的结合,将在晚上提供.


应用 to the Graduate School at RIC

To begin the process, you will need to sign up for an account with CollegeNET. 一旦你有了一个帐户,你就可以申请和监控你的申请状态.

Explore 司法学硕士.A.



Upon completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • 在制定和评价刑事司法领域和相关机构的政策和服务方面有所作为
  • articulate knowledge of the major issues facing the justice system locally, 国内和全球, as well as new research findings in the field
  • 对社会学和犯罪学的古典和当代理论以及相关政策影响有深入的了解
  • 进行原创性研究,并将研究结果应用于司法系统内或与司法系统相关的社会服务机构的问题
  • 以口头和书面形式就各种学术和司法相关主题进行专业和知识的沟通
  • 通过完成最后的项目或论文,展示先进的写作和研究技能


司法研究的硕士论文选择采用更传统的基于研究的方法来展示研究生在该领域的成就. A masters thesis is based on students’ original research. They are completed over the course of two consecutive semesters. During each semester, students enroll in Soc 592,硕士论文, 在社会学系一名指导论文的教员的指导下, earning 3 credits each semester (6 credits total). 

开始与论文导师接触的过程必须在学生打算开始论文的学期之前一个学期开始, as students are required to complete and submit a thesis proposal for approval. 提案在指导老师的监督下完成,长度通常为5-10页, including a short initial literature review, 研究问题, 提出的方法, 研究时间表, 评估计划, and schedule of meetings with the advisor, and must be attached to the Application for Independent Study and/or Directed Study.

Before beginning the second semester of thesis work, 学生必须提交另一份独立学习和/或定向学习申请,并提交第二学期工作的更新建议, 除了一个 Thesis Proposal Approval Form signed by their thesis committee and others. The thesis committee consists of the thesis advisor, one additional faculty member from the Sociology Department, and one external faculty member. 

After the student completes their thesis research and writing, the student orally defends the thesis to the committee, and a successful defense is necessary for program completion. 学生经常被要求在口头答辩后完成对论文的某些修改.

Students’ thesis research can incorporate qualitative, 定量, or mixed-方法 data collection and can use a variety of data analysis techniques. However, if human subjects are involved, students must apply for Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval before beginning their data collection, 所有论文学生都被要求完成CITI培训(详见IRB网站).

硕士论文的长度由研究目标、内容、方法和其他因素决定. 一般来说,司法研究硕士论文的篇幅在65到120页之间,两倍行距. 学生们应该努力创作出能够发表在同行评议的社会科学期刊文章上的风格和质量的东西, 并鼓励学生提交他们的工作发表后,完成论文过程. The thesis consists of key sections:

I. 标题页
II. 致谢
3. 目录表
IV. 导论,包括研究问题、基本原理和研究问题的说明
V. A literature review, including theoretical material
VI. 研究方法
7. 发现
8. 讨论和结论
IX. 作品的引用
X. Appendices as applicable (such as additional charts or figures, data collection instruments, or other material not fitting into the body of the thesis)

For more information on master’s thesis please refer to page 20-23 of the 研究生手册.


司法研究的硕士项目选择采用更实用的方法,最适合已经积极工作的学生, 实习, or volunteering in a capacity related to Justice Studies. A masters project is based on a student’s original scholarly work. 在大多数情况下, 学生利用他们现有的工作场所或与司法研究或社会正义有关的任何其他工作领域,并依靠这种设置的数据来建议实际和政策意义. 该项目在一个学期内完成,学生获得三个学分 SOC 593期末计画, under the supervision of a faculty advisor in the Sociology Department. 选择完成硕士项目而不是硕士论文的学生必须完成4个额外的选修课程学分,以满足毕业要求.

开始与项目顾问接触的过程必须在学生打算开始论文的学期之前的一个学期开始, as students are required to complete and submit project proposal for approval. 提案在指导老师的监督下完成,长度通常为5-10页, including a short initial literature review, 研究问题, 提出的方法 or approach, 研究时间表, 评估计划, and schedule of meetings with the advisor, and must be attached to the Application for Independent Study and/or Directed Study.

Students completing a project do not need a committee or an oral defense, they work directly with their faculty advisor to create, 波兰的, 然后提交项目. 然而,如果学生愿意,他们可以选择将演示文稿作为他们项目的一部分.

Students’ projects can incorporate qualitative, 定量, or mixed-方法 data collection and can use a variety of data analysis techniques. However, if human subjects are involved, students must apply for Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval before beginning their data collection, 所有论文学生都被要求完成CITI培训(详见IRB网站). 除了, 使用工作场所数据的学生必须获得工作场所的许可才能在他们的项目中使用这些数据.

The length of a masters project is driven by research objectives, 内容,  方法, 还有其他因素. The typical Justice Studies masters project has been around 30 pages in length. 虽然大多数项目采取应用实证研究分析的形式,包括对政策和/或实践的影响的讨论, other approaches are possible, including for example curriculum or pedagogical development. 如果项目采用典型的学术形式,则包括以下部分:

I. 导论,包括研究问题、基本原理和研究问题的说明
II. A brief review of literature, including theoretical material
3. Method of inquiry or approach
IV. 发现
V. 讨论和结论 with an emphasis on applied implications
VI. 作品的引用
XI. Appendices as applicable (such as additional charts or figures, data collection instruments, or other material not fitting into the body of the thesis)

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